Is it Safe to Travel Nepal who shares a long border with China?

Coronavirus in our neighbouring country China is impacting the whole world. The World Health Organization has declared a global public health emergency over coronavirus.

Message from Nepal Government



We will find out?

Nepal and China shared a border of 1,414 kilometres (879 mi) in length. China is Nepal’s second-largest trading partner after India. The government shut border on January 28 to prevent the spread of coronavirus after the number of infections in China soared.

So far only one case is detected in Nepal and the patient is discharged after required treatment and recovery. According to the health ministry, ambulances are on standby at Tribhuvan International Airport “if any suspect noticed, will be immediately transferred to the hospital”.

First of all, let’s talk about what is this New Virus?

What is Coronavirus

According to World Health Organization Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

The Wuhan coronavirus is a new virus known as nCoV- Nobel Coronavirus.

Hubei Province

nCoV was first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in 2019. Snakes have been suspected as a potential source for the outbreak, though other experts currently consider this as unlikely.

Virus Spread in china

Symptoms of Coronavirus

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • In more severe cases, an infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

Is it dangerous?

The incubation period of (nCoV)is 2–14 Days. If you haven’t visited China or neither meet people who came from visiting china then you don’t need to be panic. Coronavirus has a mortality rate of 2–3% 96–98% has a chance of full recovery

According to reports People with weakened immune systems or elderly person are likely to be affected more. Why the New Coronavirus (Mostly) Spares Children
So far, very few young children seem to be falling ill. The pattern was seen in outbreaks of SARS and MERS, too. The…

Coronavirus is less deadly than SARS, EBOLA and MERs but unfortunately, it is highly contagious. According to reports, the Mortality rate of Coronavirus (nCoV) might be between 2–3%.

How does it spread & Prevention?

It is spread just like common-cold, use hand wash, use handkerchief while sneezing.

  • Touching or shaking hands with a person who has the virus will pass the virus to the next
  • Making any contact with a surface or object that has a virus & then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth.

Use Mask if you are suspected of having nCoV so that other people might not be infected.

How to Cure it

As of now February 7, no vaccine or medicine is available for curing nCoV. If you have a good immune system you can recover. Vaccine is under development early estimate suggests that it might take a year to make a vaccine.

Is Nepal a Safe Place to Visit?

So far only one case is detected in Nepal and the patient is discharged after required treatment and recovery. The government of Nepal and multiple health organizations and agencies are working on to diagnose and cope with coronavirus.

Nepal is continuing is Visit Nepal 2020 campaign and has ensured that all the safety mechanism is in place to contain coronavirus cases and make it safe and sound to travel in Nepal

Hiking Nepal l suggest every traveller use precaution method before travelling.

How Countries are helping to reduce virus

99% case of infection is in china and also 90% case only in Hubei Province.
50 million people are quarantined in the Wuhan region.

China bought 220 million face masks between 24 January and 2 February, with South Korea one of the countries supplying them.

Since the beginning of February, the authorities have also removed tariffs and duties on imported medical supplies.

Campaign is lunched in Nepal to send 500,000 face masks to China

We suggest everyone to use precaution and not to panic in this situation.

The US firm 3M, which is a major producer of high-quality face masks, says it is increasing production to meet global demand.

The UK-based Cambridge Mask Company, which makes high-quality respirator masks, says it has faced unprecedented demand, and has completely sold out.

Nepal, Russia and other neighbouring countries have closed border with china. And other countries have also restricted tourist from china. Hopefully, this virus will soon be gone.

Latest Update as of February 17
Nepal evacuates 175 citizens from China

175 Nepali nationals finally evacuated from coronavirus-hit areas of China
BEIJING, Feb 16: The long wait for anxious Nepali citizens wishing to return home from China’s coronavirus-hit Hubei…

Latest Update February 19

Good News: Not a single person who was brought from Wuhan, China showed signs of infection due to Corona Virus. Another Test will be done after a few days.

Press Conference – Health Department

News Update — March 2 2020

Visit Nepal 2020 to get Postponed
Government of Nepal is planning to postpone Visit Nepal 2020 due to Coronavirus outbreak. In Cabinet Metting which was…

Good News: 175 Nepalese citizens who were evacuated from China’s coronavirus hit Hubei province test negative for coronavirus infection. They will be released today.

The government has confirmed that all 175 Nepalis who were evacuated from Wuhan of China to protect them from the novel coronavirus infection have tested negative for the virus in the second test also.

The evacuees have been quarantined in Kharipati of Bhaktapur, east of Kathmandu, for the two weeks. But as the swab samples collected on the first and the 14th days of the quarantine tested negative for the infection, they will be sent home now.

The spokesperson at the Ministry of Health, Bikas Devkota, confirms that the evacuees are not infected.

The other 18 people who were part of the evacuation and quarantine process also tested negative. They will also be sent back home.

News Update — 10 March 2020

Nepal temporarily suspends on-arrival visa for nationals of China, Iran, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Iran, France, Germany and Spain

News Update — 13 March 2020

Nepal government puts all tourist visas on hold and cancels all spring climbing expeditions

Late Thursday night(12th March), decided to temporarily stop issuing on-arrival tourist visas to all countries and has put an end to all spring mountaineering expeditions, including Everest ascents.

“The visa suspension, which excludes diplomatic and official visas, will come into effect on March 14and last until April 30,”


Source- wikipedia, World Health Organization.

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