7 Things Not To Do While Trekking
The trail of the trekking routes takes you from iconic peaks of the Himalayas, including Everest and Annapurna, to the lush valleys and unique cultural experiences. However, to make the most of your trekking experience, there are a few things you should avoid.
One of the most common issues during trekking is overpacking. During your trekking journey, you try to pack everything you need, which can lead to overpacking. It can weigh you down, increase fatigue, and make the trek more physically demanding than it needs to be. To avoid overpacking, only bring what you really need. This includes clothes for the weather, enough food and water, navigation tools, a first aid kit, and a good shelter. Choose gear that is lightweight and can do more than one job. Look for small, light versions of things to save space and weight. Check your packing list often and remove anything you don’t need. Keeping your backpack light will make your trek much easier and more fun.Not knowing the weather conditions.
Weather is one of the important factors that can help you make your trekking amazing. However, not paying attention to weather forecasts can be risky. You might end up in dangerous situations like getting caught in storms or extreme temperatures. Before you start your trek, check the weather forecast. Pack clothes and gear that match the expected weather. Also, be ready for any sudden changes in the weather. Staying ready can help you stay safe and enjoy your trekking adventure.Lack of Proper Training
Trekking on the trail puts physical stress on our bodies. Trekking without proper physical fitness can increase the risk of fatigue, injuries, and stranding in remote areas. Without enough training, trekking can make you really tired and more likely to get hurt. Before you go trekking, make sure you're in good shape. Train by doing exercises that build your strength and stamina. Start with easier trails to get used to walking long distances. This will help your body get used to the demands of trekking and reduce the risk of injuries.
Not Informing Others
Trekking alone or without informing anyone of your plans is risky on the high trails, especially in case of unforeseen emergencies. Without anyone aware of your whereabouts, there could be delays in starting search and rescue efforts if you face difficulties or become injured while trekking alone. Before you start your journey, ensure that you tell a trusted person about your trekking plans. Let them know where you're going, when you expect to be back, and who to contact in case of an emergency. It is better to hire a trusted trekking company like Nepal Vision Trek to make your journey safer.Ignoring Trail Etiquette
Ignoring trail etiquette means not following the rules and being disrespectful on hiking trails. It can disrupt the experience for others, harm the environment, and make your trek less enjoyable. To have a good time and keep the trails nice, follow these rules: Let others pass when needed, stay on marked paths, and clean up after yourself. It ensures a pleasant experience for all trekkers and helps preserve the beauty of the trails.